Contributed by: Mia Kegley, Nebraska FCCLA President
There are less than 200 days until the Class of 2018 graduates! Seniors, I challenge you to make this your best year in FCCLA yet.
This is the first year that Nebraska FCCLA seniors can earn the highest honors of our State Association by completing a State Degree Portfolio. Your portfolio focuses on your development in FCCLA through personal growth, leadership development, promotion of FACS and related skills, and involvement in FCCLA. There are eight separate categories in the portfolio, and there are three to five activities in each category.
This is a very attainable task for any FCCLA senior because our state has the best seniors! Today is the day to start working on your portfolio! The hard deadline for all portfolios is January 10. After review of each portfolio, members who completed all components of the portfolio will have an interview and presentation in late February. Our degree winners will be recognized at the State Leadership Conference in April.
For more information about about the new Nebraska FCCLA State Degree Program, go to
I congratulate all of my peers for our hard work in school and FCCLA, and I am so excited for how you will all grow your potential for the future!