Peer Education Recognition Opportunities

Outreach Projects

Each of the three Nebraska State Peer Education teams offers a wide variety of recognition opportunities. Through Family Leader, Community Leader, and Career Leader programming, chapters can be recognized for their outstanding efforts.

The Family Leader Team’s Outreach Project this year will focus on the Families First National Program, which was recently updated and has the following units: Dynamics, Balance, Development, Safety, and Skills. The Family Leader Team is excited to share their outreach project, The Family Dinner Project! In October, we are going to be surveying chapter members around the state to find out how many meals a week they eat with their family without use of their phone. The goal of the project this year is to bring families closer together by focusing on family meal time. We are encouraging members to put down their phones and eat a meal with their family during National Family Week, November 19-25, 2023, or at an alternative date that is more convenient. One of the partners with the Families First National Program is the Family Dinner Project. There are resources for promoting eating meals as a family at

The Career Leader Team’s Outreach Project this year will focus on the Financial Fitness National Program, which has the following units: Earning, Spending, Saving, Protecting. The team is encouraging chapters to create a Financial Fitness Fair, which would consist of five different stations each focused on different financial topics. The goal is to make financial literacy and the Financial Fitness National Program become educational and fun for students! Check out these resources to help offer this opportunity to students –,, and Learn more about the Outreach Project in this slide deck!

The Community Leader Team’s Outreach Project this year will focus on the Student Body National Program, which has the following units: The Healthy You, The Fit You, The Real You, and The Resilient You. The first unit, The Healthy You is all about helping teens make informed food and lifestyle decisions. Secondly, The Fit You encourages teens to take charge of their health and fitness. Thirdly, The Real You motivates teens to maintain positive mental health. Last but not least, The Resilient You supports teens to live in ways that will build their emotional health.

The team will focus on The Real You unit. The team identified mental health the biggest problem among our peers. Their goal is to improve the mental health of students through their outreach project. They are encouraging chapters to participate in activities that improve mental health, whether they do it as a chapter, as a community, or even individually. Take a look at this slide deck for more information about the project and activity suggestions!

Capture the Action

In addition to these recognition opportunities, chapters can apply with outstanding projects related to each of the three National Programs represented. Families First, Financial Fitness, and Student Body National Programs provide valuable peer education opportunities for students. These projects can take place at any point during the year. The top three projects in each National Program will be recognized at the Peer Education Conference. Applications are due February 15.

To complete a Capture the Action application, simply submit a picture and short description using the form provided. This is a great way to share the unique ideas that your chapter is incorporating as well as receiving recognition for those outstanding projects at the Peer Education Conference.

Capture the Action Application