Starting an FCCLA Chapter

It is very simple to start an FCCLA chapter at your school. The best place to start is by contacting the State Adviser. They can help you with fundraising options, explain the ins and outs of the organization, and help set-up events to recruit members and learn about the organization through State Officer visits, contact with area advisers, and providing resources.

New Chapter Grant

The Nebraska FCCLA New Chapter Grant provides up to $500 in cash and resources toward starting an FCCLA chapter. Chapters may opt to use this New Chapter Grant but are not required to in order to start a new chapter.

To qualify, chapters must meet the following criteria:

  • Submit a completed application, which must include signature of an administrator, adviser, and student leader prior to October 2, 2023.
  • Have not had an affiliated chapter in the last five (5) years.
  • Affiliate at least twelve (12) members and one (1) adviser at the national lever prior to December 1 for two (2) consecutive years.
  • Attend District Planning Meetings and District Leadership Conference and at least one of the following conferences: Fall Leadership Workshop, Peer Education Conference, State Leadership Conference or assist with the District STAR Event Competition for two (2) years with at least one (1) student and one (1) adviser present at each.
  • Present to the local school board about their participation in FCCLA.
  • Submit an application for Nebraska Chapter Award and a Nebraska National Program Award each year.

In return, the State Association agrees to the following:

  • Reimburse National and State dues for twelve (12) students and one (1) adviser by December 31 totaling a payment of up to $169 during the first year.
  • Provide the chapter with one (1) National program guide (virtual edition) of their choosing each of the two (2) years upon affiliation, and an FCCLA gavel.
  • Provide support in the form of the State Adviser, State Officer Team, or other individuals deemed necessary by the goals of the chapter.
  • Provide an additional $100 stipend to the chapter treasury by May 15 upon successful completion of the two (2) year agreement.

For more information about the New Chapter Grant, review the New Chapter Grant Application!


Additional Resources