Are you a Follower?

Are you a follower? Well, you are all obviously leaders, but are you following us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook? Social media is a major way to keep up with what is going on in Nebraska FCCLA.


Twitter has lots of opportunities for you to pursue. Once a month, you have the opportunity to talk to one of the State Officers. #sotchattime is an amazing chance to learn more about FCCLA, as well as, ask members of the State Officer Team for advice or additional information. Of course, you can still continue to retweet and favorite our tweets.


Instagram is a chance for you to “Spread the Red!” Pictures speak way louder than words; in fact, a picture is worth a thousand words. When you post a picture on Instagram of you rocking the red, remember to use #nefccla!


Facebook isn’t on the way out, not according to us! When you open the Nebraska FCCLA Facebook, you’ll see posts, pictures, links, and more! Just imagine how we can fill Facebook with FCCLA. Facebook is unique, in that you can post how many words, pictures, feelings, and links that you want.


Now, that you’ve learned about all of your social media opportunities, come follow us!

On Facebook, search Nebraska FCCLA, and while you’re at it search, Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America to follow everything Nationals does! On Twitter, search @NebraskaFCCLA, and then find @NationalFCCLA. On Instagram, look for Nebraska FCCLA and National FCCLA. But I’m forgetting one crucial thing! Once you find us, hit the follow/like button!  You can also find all of our social media links on the homepage of Nebraska FCCLA.

But wait there’s more! Social media is so much bigger than just these three. Look for FCCLA on pinterest, youtube, and LinkedIn!

Have fun exploring the world wide web of FCCLA!