Submitted by: Sabra Schmidt, Vice-President of Competitive Events
A deep sigh of relief exits every student and teachers body knowing the number of school days are slowly but surely dwindling down. If you’re like my you set goals every semester, quarter, month, week and day to keep feeling accomplished and to keep myself up to date on upcoming events. I find myself ways to stay motivated for the next couple of months. Starting with organization.
A new year may mean a new planner which to me is super exciting. Stay up to date on planning your week by week agenda. If planners aren’t your thing, try to put reminders for events on your phone or calender. I personally fill out a planner but also put reminders such as deadlines for assignments or things to get done, this way I have an alert on my phone and I still feel accomplished when I get to cross something off on my planner. Make sure to check your schedules with everything you’re involved, whether it’s sports, FCCLA, FFA, school activities and personal life. That way you’ll know ahead of time if two of your schedules cross paths.
A big way that I stay on top of things is I keep a steady routine. One huge aspect of my routine is that I get everything I need done for the next day earlier if possible or the night before, so that I am not rushing in the morning or the day of. I stay on top of schoolwork as much as possible. With being involved in multiple activities I be sure to know when I am going to be gone to school, that way I can get all of my assignments done ahead of time rather than after the event and rushing to get it handed in so that it’s not late. Keep checking your gradebook and stay in touch with your teachers so they know when you’ll be gone.
Another way to keep your life going smoothly is to remind yourself that you are important to. Try your best to make time for yourself, which I know can be hard to find a time when you’re wrapped up in everything. Make sure to keep a healthy diet and get enough sleep at night. The year will only get busier and in order to keep your body happy and healthy, you need to take care of it.
Time will continue to fly by especially with all of the exciting things coming for FCCLA! Keep yourself organized with any events so you know what is coming ahead in the future. Next, keep up with your normal routine even with your school life and your personal. I can’t wait to see you guys at upcoming events! Stay strong and determined!