Membership Matters

Membership Matters

As most people know by now membership is the most important thing for any FCCLA chapter at the beginning of the school year.  I mean there are a number of FCCLA awards for both chapters and members in Nebraska for chapters who can increase their membership.  Whether it is recognizing you Best FCCLA Friend or receiving the Gold, Silver or Bronze Chapter Awards at SLC.

The 2017-2018 State Officer Team, along with help from past years State Officer Teams, we have created a Membership Toolkit.  It is full of a number of different resources that you can include into your recruitment efforts.  We have created this Google Drive Folder, shared with you by State Adviser, Kristin Vest, is ready for you all to go and make copies of all the content for you to customize and use in your chapter.  

If there are any idea you all have to include into this shared Drive Folder please email us your ideas at or to any of the State Officers to be incorporated into the toolkit so others chapters can increase their membership as well.  Also we ask that when you implement these in your chapter you post to social media using #spreadtheredne so we can see all of your amazing work!

Submitted by:  William Wilton, 1st Vice-President