Getting Excited for SLC!

Submitted by Sophia Birch, VP of Development

Hey Nebraska FCCLA! State Leadership is right around the corner, and while we may not be able to be together in person, there is still so much to be excited for at State this year. 

If you’re competing in State STAR events this year, congratulations! In the time between now and submitting your project materials, take some time to revise your speech, memorize if you haven’t, and review the comments that judges at Districts left for you. Remember that you are now competing against people from across the state of Nebraska, so even if you scored well at Districts, there is still room for improvement. Best of luck to all STAR competitors!

Additionally, even though State will be virtual, there are still many ways to make a virtual conference fun. Get together with your chapter and plan out your chapter’s State Leadership Conference. Make sure to bring food, plan fun activities, and take time to bond with your chapters. My chapter held a virtual Peer Education Conference on February 22, and we specifically planned for how to engage members in the keynote, breakouts, and community service aspects. This made the day fun and enjoyable for everyone there. 

Finally, if you haven’t completed a Literature for Littles State Service project yet, there is still time! Literature for Littles is an initiative that can be done by chapters or even individuals. The overall goal is the same for each participant- get young children excited to read. However, the method in which you accomplish this is different for everyone. If your chapter wants to hold a book drive, that’s definitely an option. Or, if you want to take a group to the elementary school and read to children, that also qualifies! Literature for Littles is a fun and easy way to engage with your community and children in your school system while also serving with FCCLA.

I hope everyone has had a great year, despite the challenges. Thank you for being awesome, Nebraska FCCLA!