Contributed By: Taryn Goodban, Nebraska FCCLA Vice President of Competitive Events
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and some questions that might be running through your head are:
“How much food can I eat this year?”
“Who made the turkey this year?”
“What is for dessert?”
And most importantly “What am I thankful for?”
Family might be in the top things you think of especially at this time of the year. I believe we associate family with this time of year and recognize how much we appreciate them. We are happy that they provide us a home to live in, the memories they fill your life with, the opportunities they provide you, and knowing that family will always be there for you no matter what. With family being FCCLA’s main focus Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on how much our family means to us.
Our families have done so much for us. They make sure we grow up with the right tools or skills to be a good person. They shape us into the people we are today. We have so much to thank them for and we barely do it on a daily basis. They are the ones that have our back even when we do something wrong. We mostly have our parents to be thankful for on how our family works. They are the ones who start it and build our family. They try to figure out how to raise us and make us good people. They go everyday hoping they are raising you right and they don’t even get thanked for it. They are hoping that you and your siblings are close and that you get along with each other. When you are with your family this Thanksgiving make sure you let them know how thankful you are that they are in your life.
There is a lot more things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season. You can be thankful for the life that you have, the people that you surround yourself with, and the opportunities that are offered to you. The list of things you are thankful for can go on and on. I challenge you FCCLA to really sit down and think about the things you are thankful for. Have a great Thanksgiving!