Submitted by: Hailey Bixler, Vice-President of Programs
Take pride in FCCLA. Give back to the community. Spread love and kindness to everyone you meet. All of these are important parts of the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, but sometimes the universal values of truth, love, security, and faith get lost in the day-to-day bustle of classes, sports, and schoolwork. We understand these basic tenets, but often push them to the side in favor of going to that home sports game or shopping for prom dresses. The fact is, sometimes FCCLA takes a backseat in our lives – and there is nothing wrong with that. Making lasting memories with friends can be more important than getting in that one extra STAR practice. Preparing for the big meet or game can be more important than figuring out an award due in two weeks. Being a part of FCCLA doesn’t mean that we have to dedicate our entire high school career to it, and it doesn’t mean we can’t be involved in other activities as well. However, this doesn’t mean FCCLA isn’t important as well.
This is where FCCLA week comes in. FCCLA week is a time for us to finally give the organization the attention it deserves. While it doesn’t actually encompass an entire week, it does take place over the school week, so we can give FCCLA priority and spread its values to our school. Each of the five days is accompanied by a theme for every chapter all across the country to participate in. By participating in the week or even just acknowledging it on social media, we can show our pride in this wonderful organization.
In fact, Monday, February 11th gives us an opportunity to do just that. The first day of FCCLA week encourages us to Be Spirited. This is the day to show FCCLA spirit! Promote FCCLA to the community, celebrate your chapter, or show potential members how amazing FCCLA is. Use social media to tell us all about what your chapter is doing or how much your chapter has accomplished so far. Make sure to use #FCCLAspirit so everyone around the country can watch you Be Spirited.
Tuesday, February 12th encourages chapters to Be Confident. FCCLA gives members all of the resources they need to develop leadership skills and self-confidence. Because of FCCLA, we can be confident in ourselves and in our life ahead. Share how FCCLA has given you confidence and spread this confidence to others, whether that is through kind words or inspiring quotes. Use #FCCLAisConfident to show off what your chapter is doing or share how FCCLA has given you confidence.
The theme for Wednesday, February 13th is Be Prepared. This day is also FCS Educator Day, so it is fitting that the theme revolves around the ways FCCLA helps members prepare for the future. Explore how FCCLA career pathways have prepared you and help others learn about their future career options. Don’t forget to thank your adviser for all of the hard work they do! Share on social media with #FCCLAcareers and #fcsedday.
Thursday, February 14th isn’t just Valentine’s Day – it is the day to Be A Friend. Support others and spread random (or not so random) acts of kindness. FCCLA welcomes everyone no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious belief. Show this unconditional kindness by giving back to the community or expressing gratitude to friends and family. Share your chapter’s activities or take the time to thank those who have treated you with kindness by using #FCCLAfriends.
FCCLA week ends on Friday, February 15th with the theme Be You in Red. What better way to end the week than by uniting with hundreds of other FCCLA members to share the impact of FCCLA? Show us how the values of FCCLA have inspired your life or what the organization means to you and end the week by using #FCCLAUnites.
FCCLA week is a way to honor FCCLA, and Nebraska FCCLA wishes to honor that even more. When you post on social media using the above hashtags, don’t forget to include #nefccla! Nebraska will be giving out FCCLA swag to lucky chapters that use this hashtag, so make sure to show us how your chapter is participating in FCCLA week. If you need more social media advice, feel free to use this national toolkit. Don’t forget to be watching Nebraska FCCLA’s social media as we post all throughout FCCLA week, finally giving the organization the credit it deserves.