Guess What Time It Is? FCCLA Time!

Submitted by: Sabra Schmidt, Vice-President of Competitive Events

Guess what time it is? FCCLA time! Now is the time to start thinking about many things.
While your list may be adding up very quickly and getting longer by the second, this FCCLA
year should be at the top! I hope your school year has been off to an amazing start and will
continue to be dazzling! I’m sure one of the big things on your minds is how to start recruiting
new members. Even though this is a very important task that doesn’t mean you can’t have a
blast doing it! Setting up a plan of ways to recruit is a great start to have a bigger and better

One of the first things you can do is plan you kickoff party, while some of you may have
already done this, it is a great way to promote and publicize FCCLA! Plan a date that works best
for your school’s schedule and being to plan! Activities and getting to know your fellow members
and potential members is very important but one way to really get people to come is through
food! They always say the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. Maybe their new
love will be with FCCLA! Now that you have an idea of what to do at the kickoff the next step is
to promote it! To get the word out to your students a good couple ways is to hang posters at
common places in the school, post on social media accounts, and have it announced it the daily
announcements at your school! This repetition of hearing and seeing the same thing will
hopefully make them not forget!

Next step is to spread the red word. Explain to members that there are tons of different
ways they can get involved in FCCLA! List all the different events that happen throughout the
school year and all of the places they’ll get to see. Explain what is offered at events such as
FLW, District Meeting Conference, Peer Education and State! When you begin to talk about
STAR a great visual to use is the STAR PowerPoint and toolkit located on this website! The
PowerPoint explains all the events offered!

Now since you have recruited new members, you have to keep them coming back for
more FCCLA fun! Ways to help that process is to have door prizes at monthly meetings in hope
that they will be a lucky winner! Another idea is to have a point system made, and for every
event or project a member participates in, they recieve points and are later recognized at the
end of the school year with an award for the member with the highest points in each class!
Hopefully with these tips you can begin to cross one thing off your checklist! I am very
excited to see where this year leads! Can’t wait to see you all!