Submitted by: Sydney Schildt, Vice President of Development
“Don’t count the days, make the days count” -Muhammad Ali. I’m sure by now, many of you have a countdown started for the last day of school or maybe even graduation. It may be exciting for some and terrifying for others. Whatever this number may be, don’t let it define you. In life, you must remember that all you can do is your best. If you do your absolute best, the rest will follow behind. Don’t compare your successes and failures to your friends, because we all have a different path. So here are my challenges for you:
Be present. Sometimes we get wrapped up in school, work, athletics, or whatever you are involved in, causing us to get distracted and missing out on the most memorable moments. Our phones and other devices are other negative components that cause a lack of presence. So make sure these things don’t distract you from the “now.”
Do more of what makes YOU happy. I know this sounds very cliché, but it is so true. Make a list of these things and go out and do them. Your happiness will directly impact the way you view your goals and everyday life. Happiness can’t be given to you by someone else or taken away by them. You are in charge.
Focus on what you can control and let go of the things you can’t. Life may not be going exactly as you had planned, but the best thing you can do is to just try YOUR best each and every day.