It’s August! Let’s Get Down to the Basics of Recruiting for FCCLA!

With August underway and school just around the corner, let’s get down to the basics!


What can you do or provide to recruit new members during the first weeks?

  1. Have your officer team wear their FCCLA shirts during your designated club week
  2. Hand out small flyers with an incentive attached that has instructions to become a member
  3. Hang posters featuring FCCLA members, events and perks around your school
  4. Offer a time where new students and freshman can learn about the club or visit a meeting or event
  5. And the best way to recruit to retain, have conversations, get to know the person, and be a friend that can give guidance


Five tips to be an all inclusive chapter with motivated members:

  1. Relate the purpose of your chapter back to other interests or career areas
  2. Open events up to all students by not specifying a “freshman … or new student …” event
  3. Offer fun nights at least twice a semester to relax and bond, balance work and play
  4. Be member led when it comes to pursuing opportunities and passions, let members design new events or projects 
  5. Tell them their participation also counts towards community service requirements or resumes 


On our website you can also find materials and flyers in the membership toolkit that can assist you in recruiting members. 

Brianna Gable, 2017-2018 Secretary
